CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility

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Logins to the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility interface utilize CCHMC network IDs for internal investigators, or StratoCore email addresses for external investigators. Please enter the appropriate information below.

Login ID:


For external (non-CCHMC) investigators, if you have forgotten your StratoCore password, you can reset it by sending an email to

For CCHMC investigators, click here to reset your password.

Service Interruption Planned

On Monday, 17 Feb 2025 from 8:00 am to 9:00 am, we will experience a planned interruption for the migration of one of our storage volumes. The website should still be up, but certain functions will not be available during this period. These services will include the download of Illumina NGS sequencing data from our sftp server (activemft).


General Policies and other laboratory information not listed in pages specific to a service offered by the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility can be found below.

Publications and Acknowledgements   |   Visitor Policies   |   Data Ownership Policy   |   Data Retention Policy   |   Sample Retention Policy   |   Access to Equipment and Intrumentation   |   Hours of Operation   |   Clinical Samples

Publications and Acknowledgements

Publications resulting from services provided by the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility should acknowledge the Facility, if possible. Applicable publications would include not only peer-reviewed journals, but posters, grant proposals, book chapters and online presentations. Services include (but are not limited to) project development and design, data generation (nucleic acid quality control, SNP Genotyping, library preparation, or sequencing) and data analysis. For collaborative projects that involve the development of novel techniques for data generation or analysis, authorship would be appropriate and appreciated.

For additional information, the authorship guidelines developed by the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) can be found here.


An acknowledgement in a Materials and Methods section of a paper might be of the following format: "[protocol or procedure] was performed by the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility, Cincinnati, Ohio"

Our Core Marketplace Research Resource Identifier (RRID) is RRID:SCR_022630.

We sincerely thank you for this consideration, ensuring that the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility gets duly recognized for its contributions to published research.

Visitor Policy

Visits to the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility should be scheduled beforehand, if possible. Scheduling of a visit may be done by contacting us, either by phone at (513) 636-2801 or by email at Visitors must ask permission before taking photographs or making video recordings while inside the laboratory. The doors to our laboratory are usually kept locked, so impromptu visits are discouraged.

Data Ownership Policy

We consider all data produced in our facility to be primarily owned by the Institution, and secondarily by the purchasing principal investigator. Any transfers of data to individuals or institutions not directly reporting to the principal investigator (collaborator, analyst, statistician, informatician, etc...) will require a written consent of the purchasing PI.

Data Retention Policy

Digital files of sequencing and genotyping results will be retained in our facility according to the schedule below:

  • Research Sanger Results (.ab1 and .seq) - Files will be kept for a minimum of three years following result deliver in a retrievable archive.
  • Clinical Sanger Results (.ab1 and .seq) - Files will be kept for a minimum of seven years following result deliver in a retrievable archive.
  • NGS Results Files (.fastq, .bam, .vcf, etc..) - Due to their large size, these files will only be kept for ~ 90 days on the results server.
  • NGS Run Directories (Could remake .fastq, .bam, .vcf, etc..) - These are archived for >1 year in an external archive. There is a fee to recover these runs from the archive. Please contact the DNACore if you would like to have a run retrieved from the archive. Once runs are purged from the archive, there is no recovery possible.

Sample Retention Policy

  • Research Sanger Sequencing Samples - Premixed samples will be retained for ~ 1 month to allow for a maximum of one repeat reaction to be attempted.
  • Clinical Sanger Sequencing Samples - Completed sequencing reactions will be retained for 24 hours (until result delivery) to allow for re-injection of the samples, if necessary.
  • Microbiology (DNA) Samples (Microbial Identification Test) - These samples will be retained for a minimum of 30 days following result delivery and be stripped of any patient identifiers on the vials.
  • Nucleic Acid Quality Control Samples - These samples are diluted and consumed in the run process, and are not retained following the assay.
  • Samples for NGS library preparation - These samples will be retained for 90 days following NGS result delivery. If you would like them retained for a longer period of time, an option exists in the submission interface to request sample retention (there is a charge for this) and return.
  • NGS libraries created in our lab - NGS libraries are retained for approximately three months following sequencing.
  • Externally-created NGS libraries or pools - NGS library pools are retained for approximately three months following sequencing.
  • SNP Genotyping Samples - Samples for SNP genotyping are retained for a short period following result delivery, and are discarded.
  • Other Samples - All other samples or items (primers, probes, reagents, etc...) are not retained by the facility after initial use.
External Use of Equipment and Instrumentation Policy

Instrumentation and Equipment housed in the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility is not regularly made available for external use. Requests for access will need to be made to the facility, either by phone at (513) 636-2801 or by email at, and will require specific training by DNACore staff. A usage fee or agreement to share a portion of the intrument's service contract may be required.

Hours of Operation

The CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Time. We will close for days listed on the CCHMC posted holiday schedule for the year. The official CCHMC holiday calendar can be found on the CCHMC CenterLink site. Any unscheduled alterations to our schedule and/or hours of operation will be posted on the NEWS section of this website.

Considerations for Clinical Samples

To maintain the accreditation of our laboratory with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) guidelines, we require that all nucleic acid samples that are destined for clinical testing (Molecular Diagnostic and Microbial Identification Tests) have been isolated in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements for nucleic acid isolation and purification. The CAP standards are referenced below:

MOL.32427 Extracted Nucleic Acid Specimens
If extracted nucleic acid is accepted as a specimen type, the laboratory has a written policy that isolation of nucleic acids for clinical testing occurs in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by the CAP and/or the CMS. This policy is clearly displayed to ordering clients.

MIC.63340 Extracted Nucleic Acid Specimens
If extracted nucleic acid is accepted as a specimen type, the laboratory has a written policy that isolation of nucleic acids for clinical testing occurs in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by the CAP and/or the CMS. This policy is clearly displayed to ordering clients.