Billing for all services provided by the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility is done by the StratoCore Billing System within the Cincinnati Children's Research Foundation and Division of Biomedical Informatics.
Both Internal (CCHMC) and External investigators will need to register with StratoCore in order to receive invoices for work done by the Shared Facilities at CCHMC.
The New User Account Registration Form can be found here.
Questions about account setup and management may be directed to Each request for service in our facility must be accompanied by a valid StratoCore Billing System project. Without
this information, you cannot proceed with the online submission process. The projects available to you have been associated with the principal investigators (PI) that your network ID/email address has been associated with in the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility interface.
If the displayed Principal Investigator assignment or information listed during the online submission process is incorrect please email us at so we can update your account information.
Budget numbers are no longer directly associated with submissions/requests/jobs in our interface. Budget numbers (or Purchase Orders or Credit Card Numbers for non-CCHMC investigators) must first be associated with the StratoCore project directly in the StratoCore PPMS interface. For instructions about how to associate budget strings to projects, add users to projects and request access to additional budget numbers in StratoCore, please refer to the StratoCore page on CenterLink.
Research and Clinical Service pricing is set by the Cincinnati Children's Research Foundation and is subject to change, at least on a annual (fiscal year) basis. We have not been given much ability to discount individual samples or projects. Requests for discounts must be done with the CORES office.
Institutional discounts and P30 subsidies (if applicable) are applied at the time of invoicing, and are not visible at the time of order with the DNA Sequencing and Genotyping Core. If you have questions about eligibility of specific subsidies, please contact the P30 program administrator or other program director.
Pricing tiers or groups have been established for services offered by CCHMC Shared Facilites dependent upon the orginizational affiliation of our client investigators. The rates/multipliers for these tiers is subject to change by the CCRF.
INTERNAL ACADEMIC = Investigators at CCHMC and the University of Cincinnati. Investigators in this price group are billed at the base price for the service.EXTERNAL ACADEMIC = Investigators at Academic Institutions receiving funding from Federal Governmental Sources (NIH, DOE, etc...), outside of CCHMC and UC. Investigators in this price group are billed at a rate of 1.60x the base price for each service.COMMERCIAL = Investigators at for-profit institutions or those using the data for a for-profit enterprise. Investigators in this price group are billed at a rate of 2.60x the base price for each service.The CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility has been prohibited from displaying pricing for services on our website, in order to prevent displaying inaccurate prices to investigators based on the tiers described above. Current CCHMC investigators can view our pricing information on our CenterLink site.Research collaborations between CCHMC investigators and external, academic investigators may be billed at the internal academic rate, if the direct source of the monies used to pay for the work is housed at CCHMC.
Our current user management interface only allows a resource user (submitter, identified by their CCHMC network ID) to be assigned to a single Principal Investigator (PI) at a time. For resource users who work for multiple PIs, they will only be able to choose one of them at any given time, and see only the fund sources available to that PI.
If a fund source (Grant, Award, etc...) does not appear in the list of available options at the time of order for a service, an override must be initiated by a member of the business team (business manager or business director) of the investigator's divsion to assign ownership of this fund to the PI. This is not a function that the CCHMC Genomics Sequencing Facility has the ability to do.
Most PeopleSoft budget strings will be honored for one month past their expiration.

An online price calculator can be found on CenterLink, under the Research tab, to help you with your budgeting and planning of your experiments. Unfortunately, this calculator does not work with Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, so another browser will need to be used for it to function.